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Archive for category: Speakers

The Tesla Coil Speaker and Sub-woofer Prototype ….

04 Apr 2013 / in 2013, Speakers, Tesla Coil

Stephen Zajac delivers an excellent presentation on the project he recently built: the Tesla Coil Speaker. The voltage ripping through the air can be seen as the music is playing.  He also gives a lot of very useful information about the parameters that are needed to design almost any speaker system.

Speaker Design and Guitar Tone Factors

18 Oct 2011 / in 2011, Musical Instruments, Speakers

An update on AEE’s Speaker Design Project by Team Leader Stephen Zajac Rob Pollum presenting a forum on guitar tone factors.

Speaker Kit Project- Beginning Demo

19 Mar 2011 / in 2011, Kits, Speakers

Steve Zajac is trying to put together a speaker kit project that includes an amp and two full range speakers all for about $50!!! Check out the video for beginning thoughts.