• Camera: Canon PowerShot SX260 HS
  • Created: April 26, 2013 - 10:37
  • Shutter: 0.033333333333333
  • ISO: 320
  • Aperture: 3.5
  • Focal Length: 4.5
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AEE Forum on Audio Over Internet Protocol ….

19 Mar 2015 / in 2015, AEE Forum

Phil Beard presents a forum on Audio Over IP. Phil has worked as the Director of Engineering at the MSU student-run radio station (IMPACT WDBM 88.9 FM). In his talk Phil addresses: What is Audio Over IP (AoIP)? How does it work? Where is it used?

AEE / TI Forum on Real World Capacitors in Audio ….

26 Feb 2015 / in 2015, AEE Forum

Don Dapkus, Audio Applications Engineering Manager at Texas Instruments, presented a forum on selecting capacitors for audio applications.

AEE Forum on Loud Speaker Fundamentals ….

19 Feb 2015 / in 2015, AEE Forum

Jacob Brettrager presents a forum on Loud Speaker Fundamentals. He discussed speaker components, types of drivers, cone resonance, damping, compliance, impedance, efficiency, power, response, dispersion and polarity.

AEE Members Attend AES Annual Convention in New York City ….

12 Nov 2013 / in 2013, Events

Original AEE Member Rachelle Bou Serhal Addresses Students at MSU ….

11 Apr 2013 / in 2013, AEE Forum

Rachlle Bou Serhal is one of those incredible people once you meet you can’t help but admire.  In her presentation to AEE students she reveals what she believes is the essence of a good leader in project based environments. She talks about the importance of hearing preservation as she is currently in-depth researching the topic as a Ph. D candidate at the Ecole de Technologie Superieure in Montreal. She showed how to look at Equal Loudness Contours  and how they relate to dBA wighting and that we don’t hear all frequencies at the same loudness level.  She referenced the Etymotic ER-20‘s as a great selection for the price and great protection for your ears.

The Tesla Coil Speaker and Sub-woofer Prototype ….

04 Apr 2013 / in 2013, Speakers, Tesla Coil

Stephen Zajac delivers an excellent presentation on the project he recently built: the Tesla Coil Speaker. The voltage ripping through the air can be seen as the music is playing.  He also gives a lot of very useful information about the parameters that are needed to design almost any speaker system.

AEE Jam Session in the EB at MSU ….

26 Mar 2013 / in 2013, Events

An impromptu jam session took place in the Engineering Building classroom at MSU.  AEE members and friends jammed out together. Check out the footage from the session.

Design of a cathedral style case for a Fender Champ Guitar Amp

14 Mar 2013 / in 2013, AEE Forum

Philip Beard presents a forum on his design of a cathedral style case for a Fender Champ Guitar Amp. His case also incorporates a type of visual VU meter using white LEDs. The case style was inspired by a 1930’s Philco Radio.

Presentation Slides in PDF Format

AEE Presents at MSU Design Day Fall 2012

05 Dec 2012 / in 2012, Design Day

Tom shreds on the guitar.

Mick is showcasing the synth.

An Electric Evening with AEE presents Mountains for Clouds at the Dem Hall Ice Arena MSU

25 Apr 2012 / in 2012, AEE Forum, Events

AEE presents Mountains for Clouds at the Dem Hall Ice Arena, Michigan State University

Spring 2012 our AEE event was held at the Dem Hall Ice Arena at MSU. What a great show! It was grand yet intimate, the lights illuminated the music and when I closed my eyes it was easy to fly ~ A special thanks to Rayan B. for doing the sounds in this space. The reverberation in the ice arena is not easy to tune in but once you did, it was absolutely amazing to hear Mountains for Clouds layer their music and fill the space with colorful fields of sound. A shout out to Eirc and the Poobies, to Dj GENES and all our friends.



Augmented Reality with Google Glass and the applications in audio

16 Apr 2012 / in 2012, AEE Forum

Kevin Gladstone, presents a forum on Augmented Reality. This is a look at future possibilities of human interaction with technology . Followed by an idea session with Google Glass augmented reality and audio.